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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sister Duenas' Spiritual Thoughts (March 2014)

03/04/2014 - 

03/14/2014 - 
"We cannot walk as other men, or talk as other men, or do as other men, for we have a different destiny, obligation and responsibility placed upon us, and we must fit ourselves to it." -- Elder John A. Widtsoe

03/14/2014 - 
President Uchtdorf says it all. When it comes to bullying. Stop it. Follow in Jesus Christ's foot steps for we are all brothers and sisters who should love each other.

03/26/2014 - 
As I have been striving to focus on being a faithful disciple of Christ the questions and trials that come up seem to just solve themselves. As we turn outward, following Jesus Christ's example, and help others around us Heavenly Father will make sure we are taken care of in return 

How has turning to Christ affected your vision of others?
How can you be of help to someone today?
03/26/2014 - 
Want to learn more about the LDS Church? Well, there's no better way than to come listen to our church leaders (pictured below) speak! Next weekend, April 5th through April 6th, is General Conference. 
Come with your questions and I promise you will receive answers to every single one of them. Whether it be from the speaker words or promptings of the Holy Ghost, you WILL get your answer.

03/26/2014 - 
"In the end, the number of prayers we say may contribute to our happiness, but the number of prayers we answer may be of greater importance." - Dieter F Uchtdorf

The Lord can guide you to bless the lives of others; through us, His children, He often does his greatest work. learn more about the power of prayer at The Role of Prayer in Our Lives

03/31/2014 - 
"Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus!" --Elder Neal A Maxwell

There are times in life when we each get a little distracted and caught up in our busy lives. Eventually our focus gets so off course that we feel there is NO TIME for a 3 hour church service! There is NO TIME for Monday night family home evening! NO TIME for daily scripture studying! NO TIME to help my neighbor! Until there is NO ROOM for Jesus and the Holy Spirit to enter into our lives.
How can you be sure to MAKE ROOM for Jesus in your busy life?

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