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Friday, May 16, 2014

Sister Duenas' Spiritual Thoughts (April 2014)

04/02/2014 - Never Postpone A Prompting....'nuff said :)

04/03/2014 - 
Obedience to the commandments lead to blessings from God. I know I feel more secure in life when I am following the rules. When I am going against a rule, even just a small one, there will always be a little pebble of guilt or uneasiness that I know I've done wrong. Eventually that pebble could grow to 2 or 3 or 10 until I am being dragged down and life becomes burdensome. The Lord taught what true freedom means, and it's not disobedience.
"If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” John 8: 31-32

04/16/2014 - 
#BecauseofHim There is nothing you or I can do that would make our Heavenly Father love us less. We are His beloved children and we always will be. It is my wish for the world that we all can love as He loves and as our Savior loves, unconditionally and without end.

04/16/2014 - 
Here is a new favorite quote I found while studying about the plan of salvation. I love it! I think it really points out why we try to do so much while here on earth. Specifically for me I think this describes
perfectly why I am here on my mission; to help families know the path they can follow so they may be a family forever .
"It is the celestial glory which we seek. It is in the presence of God we desire to dwell. It is a forever family in which we want membership. Such blessings are earned through a lifetime of striving, seeking, repenting, and finally succeeding." From "The Race of Life" by Pres Monson, April 2012 GC.

04/23/2014 - 
Our Heavenly Father has given us this great gift and power. Our eternal progression depends on how we use this gift. When we use it to follow Christ and to do good we will have lasting happiness and become stronger as we resist temptation. Agency IS power.

04/23/2014 - 
As we become more like our Savior we enlarge our capacity to love one another unconditionally. All of us have someone we love who has strayed off the path they once loved and knew to be true. The only way I can think of to help others get back on this path is to be an example to them and, as Elder Russell M. Nelson says, "Let your faith show". 

04/30/2014 - 
Christ has given us the ability to repent and move forward. He knows we aren't perfect and we will make mistakes but He also knows our great potential. Don't let things you've done in the past keep you from moving forward into a better, brighter future.
How has Christ helped you to move forward in faith?

04/30/2014 - 
Heavenly Father knows the path we need to take in order to become like Him and enter into His kingdom. That means breaking down some walls and building greater foundations.

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