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Monday, May 19, 2014

Receive the Temple Blessings (05/12/2014)

Sister Duenas also sent an excerpt from a talk given by Elder Richard G. Scott in April 1999 called 'Receive The Temple Blessings'. Here is the video of that beautiful talk.

She quoted the following section of Elder Richard G. Scott's talk:
"May I share a personal experience to help any who feel anguish when eternal marriage is mentioned since you believe your spouse will not prepare for that sacred experience because of deeply rooted characteristics or habits. about five years into our marriage, we had a growing experience. Our precious two-year-old son Richard died while undergoing surgery to correct with a congenital heart defect. Within six weeks, our daughter Andrea passed away at birth.
My father, then not a member of the Church, loved little Richard very much. He said to my inactive mother, "I cannot understand how Richard and Jeanene seem to be able to accept the loss of these children". Mother, responding to a prompting, said, "Kenneth, they have been sealed in the temple. They know that their children will be with them in the eternities if they live righteously. But you and I will not have our five sons because we have not made those covenants".
My father pondered those words. He began to meet with the stake missionaries and was soon baptized. In just over a year Mother, Dad, and the children were sealed in the temple. Leter, President Kimball put his hands on my father's head, promised him the vigor and strength of youth, and gave him the sealing power. He worked as a sealer for 11 years in the Washington D.C> Temple with Mother at his side. You do your part. Don't abandon hope for a temple marriage".
-- Elder Richard G. Scott

Here is my testimony Mom. I know that when things are difficult, they will get better. 
Just as Elder Scott says above, "You do your part." 
Have faith that things will work out, I am realizing it more and more on my mission. 
We hear all the time from our investigators "I don't know why you're still here. I'm a hopeless cause. You should just give up." 
Mom, we NEVER give up here on our missions and I am determined never to do so when my mission ends. 
Love you to the moon and back!
Your favorite sister missionary <3

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